Tuesday 28 February 2012

1. Define the licensing process.
when a distributor acquires the legal right to exploit a film2. How many levels are there?
2 levels.3. How many ‘market territories are there around the world?
90+4. Why are smaller independent film companies unable to handle the licensing for their own films?
often lack necessary knowledge or contacts of each of the territories. 5. So what do they do?
they hire a specialist sales agen, whose function is to understand the value of a film in many different markets. 6. What is ‘local’ distribution?
involves the distributor acquiring the license to release and exploit the film in a particular country. 7. They purchase the theatrical rights, what does this consist of?.
showings in cinema, video rights, video and DVD exploitation, TV rights if distributor is able to sell the fim to a broadcaster. 8. Who do they have to share royalties with?
9. What is the most effective way to create interest in a new film in the UK?
release the film in a cinema. the big screen is the optimum setting for a film for both audiences and the filmmaker. 
10. What options are available after the theatrical (cinema) release?
DVD VHS pay television 2 years after free to air television. 
11. What must a successful distributor do?
have in-debt knowledge of the marketplace. which cinemas, video outlets and broadcasters can best draw an audience for it films. 12. Who was the distributor for your case study? 
Universal13. What techniques did they employ?
Opening weekend opened the film in 2560 cinemas. 

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